Thursday, June 21, 2012

City of Blue Full Mystery

In India, there is a city whose entire house painted blue. The city is Jodhpur, the second largest city in the state of Rajasthan, India. Located 335 kilometers (208 miles) west of the state capital, Jaipur.
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The city is a fairly popular tourist destinations, in addition to the unique color of blue that surrounds the entire settlement, Jodhpur also has a site of palaces and temples. The city is also surrounded by thick stone walls.

Visited this place does not necessarily have to depend on the season, because the weather is always sunny throughout the year. Therefore, Jodhpur is also known as "Sun City". Although more famous nickname referred to as the "Blue City".

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Interestingly, the reason people paint their houses into the blue is still a mystery. Could be, if we ask why they paint the house in blue, they said because of the color blue will make their home a cool and free of mosquitoes.

However, some sources refer to the following reasons:

A. The blue color was chosen to follow the Brahmin caste people who always paint their houses blue, because the gods are usually always colored blue (ever see a small movie about Lord Krishna?)

2. Blue to repel mosquitoes

3. In the opinion of residents Jodhpur, the blue color can cool the atmosphere of home.

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In order to enjoy the beautiful landscape of Jodhpur, can be seen from the Citadel Meherangarh. Fort with 35 meter high wall has a stone windows to see the scenery outside. From here we can admire the blue line of the house which still shrouded in mystery.

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