Monday, July 4, 2011

The Extreme Human Appearance

1 Stalking Cat

Dennis Avner do modifikasih almost his entire body of tattoos and implants. In his face, his teeth in tajamin so sharp canine teeth, his ears dilancipin, almost the entire face full of piercings, and artificial nails dipasangin dijarinya and artificial whiskers on his face. Her lips parted as well as lip UALR. Bahakan he has an electronic tail.
2. Lucky Diamond Rich  

Have tattoos all over his body
3. The Lizardman

Eric Sprague, born in 1972 is one of the first person who makes a forked tongue. He jugamentato entire body with green color and made ​​to look seperdi scaly lizard.
4. Pauly Unstoppable

This guy has a forked tongue, punching holes in his nose which is probably the biggest hole in the western world there, scars on the cheek, plus a few implants in the head.
5. Kala Kaiwi 

This man has 67 piercings Dean 75% of her body full of tattoos. Itself has a body modification studio in Hawaii, USA. Large 4-incih nostrils and horns from her head were implanted.
6. Elaine Davidson
  The birth of a girl called Elaine and Brazil has 2500 piercings in which 500 of them located around the genitals (vagina). Total weight of piercings all over his body reaches 3kg
7. Rick Genest

8. Etienne Dumont

Etienne Dumont is an art critic and culture in geneva
Horn her head adah original silicone implants

9. The Leopard Man

Tom Leppard the leopard man and trying to be tattooed all over his body with animal themes.
10. The Illustrated Lady
Julia Gnuse (aka the illustrated lady) was born defect in his skin. For defects such dikkulitnya herself tattooed all over his body so that skin does not look disabled.

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