Friday, June 17, 2011

World's Most Haunted Places

White House

this time presents the mystery man. This is really exciting, it's in the news for a long timeand now the new White House occupant, the Obamas reported the same thing; Obamareported that he heard a strange noise in the hall of First Lady Michelle and somepeople in the family reported extraordinary sensations when when someone orsomething sounds or the sound of footsteps, as if stepping from the ground up, the firstwoman other than a few guests staying claims to see the ghost of Abraham Lincoln in the former bedroom.

Queen Mary

Queen Mary is a ship that has been retired, who sailed the North Atlantic 1936-1967,reported in the news that the ship is haunted by the ghost of former passengers; woman named Sarah who died in the dressing room first-class woman who haunts the firstclass swimming pool, a girl named Jackie who drowned in a swimming pool a secondgrade class also haunted the billiard room.

Tower of England

Many people believe that this building is the most haunted places around the UK, the Ghost Queen Anne Boleyn, was beheaded in 1536 for treason against King Henry VIII,who allegedly seen haunting the chapel of St. Peter-Vincula, where he was buried, and a walk in the White Tower carrying her head in his hands. Other ghosts include Henry VI,Lady Jane Grey, Margaret, and the Princes in the Tower.

The Black Colonel of Braemar Castle

John Grahame of Claverhouse attempted a coup against the Dutch King William to restart the Stuart monarchy, but he failed miserably in his attempt, but John Farquharsonof Inverey, also known as the Black Colonel, managed to escape back to the fort,attacked the garrison and burned the building. Now, it is believed that Colonel Blackbecomes a true living legend, because he reportedly somewhere in the 1970's watchingtv together with the owner of the castle. Braemar Castle is also haunted by a beautifulblonde girl, a young bride who committed suicide when her husband left her.

Bad Lord Soulis in Hermitage Castle

Bad Lord Soulis is a practitioner of black magic. Together with his assistant Robinporters, he was responsible for the loss of many children. According to Robin porters,Bad Lord Soulis can not be paralyzed by steel or tied with string. However, when the peasants rebelled against Him, they took him to a circle of stones on a hill nearby, wrapped and boiled in a cauldron. Robin porters still keeping Bad Lord Soulis treasuresomewhere in or around Hermitage Castle, where the cries of the victims can still be heard. Visitors also complained driven by unseen forces while in the chapel near thepond.

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