What are terrible curses in question. And how well it proved? Prepare yourself mentally first, and open the first page of this review! Happy reading!
1. Phone Number Damned
Vanity numbers like 0888-888-888 will certainly make a lot of people scrambling to have it. But be careful! Everyone who has this number will end in death!

This number was first issued in Bulgaria around the 2000s, and is owned by the company Mobitel. In 2001, Mobitel CEO Vladimir Grashnov died of cancer, so this number fell into the hands of
mafia boss Vladimir Grashnov. The tragic death came when he became the victim of murder in 2003.
This number ultimately falls on employers Konstantin Dishliev. But he died in 2005, and was allegedly killed by the Russians who become rivals in the industry. What is this coincidence?
2. Musicians Damned
27 clubs term certainly not foreign to our ears. Yep! Members of this club is the famous musicians who eventually died tragically at the age of 27 years.

Some people like Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and the last one is Amy Winehouse, died in tragic circumstances at the same age. In fact, these musicians are known to have a distinctive character that is admired by fans.
3. Songs Damned
The story of Frank Sinatra damned song may be familiar to our ears. At least six people in the Philippines killed tragically after singing the song My Way in a karaoke place.

But not only that, there are still a few other murder cases related to this song. Are these songs actually contain a curse? Or is there something of this song that foster the mind to kill?
4. Tomb Doomed
Genghis Khan has named Eastern descent who lived in 1336 - 1405. After obtaining his Great Khan in 1369, he wanted to make Genghis proud to build a pyramid made of 70,000 human skulls.

But what it does is reportedly a major impact after his death in 1405. Her brothers made sure his bones are not disturbed and the warning reads' If I rise from the grave, the world will tremble ".
But in 1941, Stalin of Russia sent people to dismantle the grave and of course angered the caretaker of the tomb. And strangely, the German War broke out 24 hours after the tomb was opened. A year later, Russia decided to restore the bone to its original East.
5. The bodies of the Damned
The bodies of Oetzi, or commonly known as ice man, was discovered by scientists in 1991. But 13 years after that, those associated with the discovery sold devoured death.

The first death occurred in 1992, in which Rainer Henn in charge of entering into body bags Oetzi was killed in a car accident. Kurt Fritz, Guy, Helmut Simon and Dieter Warnecke died in sequence with various strange reasons.
The last person, Konrad Spindler, was sneering issues that death was due to his colleagues curse. But six months after that, he himself died of brain disease.
6. Marriage Doomed
For many people, marriage is a happy news. But this did not happen when Prince Amedeo of Savoy Italian named marry Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo in 1863.

Since the beginning of this marriage is not approved by Amedeo father, Victor Emmanuel II of Italy. Who would have thought that it was carrying terrible curse in their marriage.
On the wedding day, the person in charge of wedding dress died in tragic circumstances, which is followed by the death of the leader colonel marriage from falling from a horse.
As if not enough, the wedding best man also died after firing a gun to his head. The death of Prince Castiglione dragged bridal train even more tragic side complement the wedding.
Although marriage is considered the worst wedding, but households Amedeo and Mario still lasting. Finally Mary died 10 years later from complications during childbirth.
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